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Boat Register

Documents and Rules/Boat Register/BR 3001 - 3500
Sail Numbers 3001 to 3500: 1985 to 1994

Boat Register 3001 - 3500

Boat Number Builder Material Comments Measurement Date Name(s) Successes
GBR 3001 Naylor GRP   24-Aug-85 Haley’s Comet
or Huffin n Puffin
GBR 3002 Trenoweth GRP   27-Aug-85 Blue Ribbon
or Archimedes Principle
GBR 3003 Amos GRP   9-Sep-85 Romica
or Harmony
or Flirtatious
or Flying Prof
GBR 3004 Windebank GRP Mk IV 25-Sep-85 Ppanache
or Old Dogs New Tricks
GBR 3005 Windebank / K.J.Allen GRP   12-Sep-85 Limited Edition  
GBR 3006 Windebank IV / Trenoweth Foam Sandwich   12-Oct-85 Commanche
or Gofforit
RSA 3007 Val Hendrie GRP W Mk IV 15-Nov-85 Ffury 2nd RSA ’86
2nd RSA ’88
2nd RSA ’92
2nd Natal ’97
3rd Classic Wlds'01
RSA 3008 Val Hendrie GRP W Mk IV 23-Sep-86 Ffion 2nd RSA ’87
2nd RSA ’91
RSA 3009 Val Hendrie GRP W Mk IV 08-Mar-86 Ffenominal 2nd Natal ’86
1st Natal ’87
1st Natal ’88
1st Natal ’89
1st RSA ’90
1st RSA ’91
2nd Natal ’91
1st RSA ’92
2nd RSA ’93
1st Natal ’93
1st Natal ’94
2nd Natal ’95
2nd RSA ’96
2nd RSA ’98
2nd Natal ’98
HKG 3010 Windebank GRP/Wood W Mk IV
17-Aug-85 Rough Trade
or Vengeance
1st HKG ’85
1st HKG ’86
1st HKG ’88
1st HKG ’89
1st HKG ’90
3rd HKG ’91
HKG 3011 Windebank     26-Aug-85 JJ  
HKG 3012 Windebank   W Mk IV
or F’fly’f Knight Session
or Fly d’night Session
or Kurrawah
or Sunday Session
HKG 3013 Windebank       Just In Time  
NZL 3014         Puffin Too  
NZL 3015         Fizgig  
NZL 3016 Amos GRP   Dec 1986 Yippee Kai Yay
or Ruff
NZL 3017         Magic Bus
or Split Enz
NZL 3018         Swaggie  
NZL 3019         Gliding On  
NZL 3020         Ffoosh  
NZL 3021         Ffacile  
NZL 3022         Fflyer  
NZL 3023         Effingham Hall  
GBR 3024 Trenowth GRP / Foam   6-Oct-85 Flouride  
GBR 3025 Cleaver / Porter     5-Apr-86 Cunning Stunts
or Dirty Deeds
or X-Ray
3rd Scots ’86
3rd Scots ’88
GBR 3026 Amos GRP   10-Jan-86 Raffles II GBR Owners Cup ’92
GBR Owners Cup ’93
GBR Owners Cup ’94
2nd FRA '01
GBR 3027 Amos Kevlar / Carbon Fibre   9-Feb-86 One Off  
GBR 3029 Amos Composite   24-Jan-86 Rollercoaster  
GBR 3030 Windebank IV / Dobson Composite   25-Apr-86 Ffine Wine
or Flip Flop
or Ffreya
GBR 3031 Wyche & Coppock V GRP   20-Jun-97 Wind Cheetah 3rd GBR Nthns Classic '04
1st GBR Sthns Classic '05
GBR 3032 Wyche & Coppock V GRP   14-Feb-86 Cascade  
GBR 3033 Windebank / Dobson / Cooper Composite   22-Mar-86 Free Oh  
GBR 3034 Wyche & Coppock GRP   29-Apr-86    
3035 Naylor GRP   23-May-90 Fric Frac  
GBR 3036 Amos Composite   8-Mar-86 Silklike
or Ffast Going Grey
IRL 3037 Windebank       Strange Magic 1st IRL ’86
GBR 3038 Windebank        Ffraoch
or Y Mochin Dov
GBR 3039 Naylor Composite   15-Mar-86 Born to Run 2nd Worlds Silver '15
GBR 3040 Dingwall GRP   26-Mar-86 My Miffy
or Miffy
GBR 3041 Trenoweth / Coryn Composite   30-Jul-86 Forrader 1st= IRL ’87
2nd GBR ’87
GBR 3042 Windebank GRP Mk IV 5-Apr-86 Klipspringer III
or Fifty Fifty
or Conachair
Fancy’s Flight
1st GBR Nthns ’87
IRL 3043 Racing Sailcraft GRP   12-Jun-86 Florence Fox  
IRL 3044 Racing Sailcraft GRP   1-Aug-86 Fancy Full  
GBR 3045 Naylor GRP   1-May-86 Aquarius  
IRL 3046 Racing Sailcraft GRP Mk IV 1-Aug-86 Absolute Beginner 3rd Worlds Silver '15
GBR 3047 Amos GRP   1-May-86 Tamarind  
GBR 3048 Naylor GRP / Foam   1-Jun-86 Ffootloose  
GBR 3049 Windebank Composite Mk IV 19-May-86 Laffing Gas  
CAN 3050 Copland          
GBR 3051 Amos GRP   2-Jun-86 Bonzipp
or Ffing Git
AUS 3052 Amos GRP Mk IV 4-Oct-86 Ffoxy 3rd Wlds ’86
GBR 3053 Windebank/ Dobson /Storrar & Bax Composite   19-Jun-86 SpringBok II  
HKG 3054 Windebank       Raz Hell
or Gaffer
6th Wlds ’86
AUS 3055 Shand GRP Shandebank
24-Jul-86 Miss Behavin’
or Cassandra
3rd Aus ’96
AUS 3056 Shand GRP Shandebank
12-Oct-86 Ffang
or Bricklanding
or Southern Star II
or C’mon Feel the Noize
2nd WA ’92
2nd WA ’95
AUS 3057 Shand GRP Shandebank Mk III
Shipped to Canada (2024)
28-Sep-86 Ffoenix 1st WA Silver '02
AUS 3058 Shand GRP Shandebank
22-Dec-86 Just Add Water 1st Aus ’88
AUS 3059   GRP Shandebank
21-Aug-86 Zest III
or Ffark
or Force Majeure
AUS 3060 Shand GRP Shandebank
1-Nov-86 Flying High  
AUS 3061 Windebank / Shand GRP Shandebank
26-Sep-86 Hottatrot 1st Aus ’87
2nd Silver Interl '03
AUS 3062 Shand GRP Shandebank
3-Oct-86 Tradesmans Entrance
or Ffanciful
or Good Thing
3rd Aus ’87
3rd Wlds ’88
AUS 3063 Shand GRP Shandebank
9-Nov-86 Glamour Buoys
or Glamour Puss
or Cevantes
or Stress Free Zone
2nd Aus ’91
2nd WA ’93
AUS 3064 Shand GRP Shandebank
24-Oct-87 Streaker  
GBR 3065 Amos       Free Oh  
GBR 3066 Windebank GRP   4-Jul-86 Charity Pecksniff
or Flying Swan
Or White Knight
3rd FRA 2001
IRL 3067 Anglian Boats GRP   29-Jul-86 Uncle Fred  
GBR 3068 Windebank/ Dobson/ Storrar & Bax Composite Mk IV 16-Jul-86 Orient Express 3rd GBR ’87
2nd GBR Nthns ’87
2nd Scots ’87
1st Scots ’88
GBR 3069 Windebank GRP HKG
31-Jul-86 Muffin
or Yin Yang or
4th Wlds ’86
2nd HKG ’91
3rdSilver Interl '05
IRL 3070 Racing Sailcraft GRP Mk IV 1-Aug-86 Something Special  
IRL 3071 Racing Sailcraft GRP Mk IV 2-Aug-86 Oh! Kay!
or Slack Alice
GBR 3072 Amos GRP   9-Aug-86 Athena  
IRL 3073 Windebank GRP   31-Jul-86 Ffemme Ffatale
or Wild Oats
3rd HKG ’97
GBR 3074 Naylor Composite Foam Sandwich   30-Aug-86 Ragamuffin  
GBR 3075 Windebank / Raw Composite Mk IV 18-Sep-86 Mr Ffahrenheit 2nd GBR ’89
GBR 3076 Amos Composite   16-Sep-86 Fflumen
or Faire Felde
IRL 3077         Black Magic  
GBR 3078 Windebank GRP   1-Oct-86 Bluebeard  
GBR 3079 Windebank GRP First Mk V
12-Sep-86 Sniffer 2nd Wlds ’86
1st NZL ’86
GBR 3080 Windebank GRP   11-Oct-86 Fflycatcher  
GBR 3081 Windebank     1-May-87 Swordffish
or Shy Talk
or Unfinished Business
GBR 3082 Naylor Composite   15-May-87 Duette
or Also Ffor Ffun
GBR 3083 Windebank GRP Windebank V 6-Nov-86 Instant Rinse  
GBR 3084 McGeorge Carbon fibre – Kevlar / Composite W Mk IV 20-Dec-86 Black Velvet
or Fionair
NZL 3085   Composite     Ffat Lady  
NZL 3086         Fiddlestix
or Saoirse na mara
NZL 3087         Iff
or Ffair Enuff
1st NZL ’87
3rd NZL ’91
3rd NZL '05
NZL 3088         First Offspring  
NZL 3089         Niffty  
NZL 3090         Ffantail  
NZL 3091         Florin 6th Worlds '17
1st Worlds Silver '17
NZL 3092         Femme Fatale
or Fflam Buoyant
3rd NZL ’94
2nd Worlds  Slver '17
NZL 3093         Ffast Fforeward 1s tNZL ’92
NZL 3094         Sofftly 1st NZL 2000
AUS 3095 Shand GRP Shandebank Mk III
Shipped to Canada (2024)
22-Oct-86 Fiddle Dee Dee
or Relience X
1st Aus ’91
1st WA ’92
1st WA ’93
2nd WA ’94
1st WA ’95
1st Aus ’95
AUS 3096 Shand GRP Shandebank
4-Dec-86 Relience XI  
AUS 3097 Shand GRP Shandebank
9-Nov-87 Whistler
or Summit
or Simpatico
or Alzhiemers Express
3rd WA Silver '02
AUS 3098 Shand GRP Shandebank
12-Dec-87 Cunning Stunts
or Running Jump
or Running Free
3rd Wlds ’90
3rd Aus ’90
AUS 3099 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 22-Dec-87 Molly O  
AUS 3100 Shand GRP Shandebank
12-Nov-88 The Boat Comes First
or Dead Calm & Raining
AUS 3101 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 24-Dec-88 Corrangattack
or Gorang
or Flying Fox
or John Henry
2nd Aus ’90
3rd Aus ’91
AUS 3102 Cohen GRP/Timber Leader 1-Jan-89 Silly Galah  
AUS 3103 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R mould IV 1-Nov-88 Feelings
or Brothers in Arms
or F’nF
AUS 3104         Fly By Night  
GBR 3105 Naylor GRP   1-Mar-87 Fandangle  
GBR 3106 Amos FRP Mk IV 22-Dec-86 Foxford
or Grey Cloud
or Fred
GBR 3107 Windebank GRP   14-Feb-87 Leggiadro
or Fat Fellas
IRL 3108 Windebank/ Millar   Mk IV   The Real Thing
or Canada Life
3rd IRL ’87
1st GBR ’88
1st IRL ’88
IRL 3109 Anglian Boats          
GBR 3110 Amos GRP   7-Jul-87 Ffly-D-Knight  
GBR 3111 Windebank GRP Mk V   Ffirenza
or Eagle
or Fizz
GBR 3112         Quinn The Eskimo  
GBR 3113 Windebank     6-Nov-87 Flying High  
GBR 3114 Amos FRP   23-Mar-87    
3115         Dreamtime  
IRL 3116         Ffozzy  
GBR 3117 Windebank / Dingwall / Hume Composite Mk V 21-Feb-87 Paxo 1st FRA '00
NZL 3118 Windebank / Shonk GRP Mk IV 12-Jul-88 Comfortably Numb 6th Wlds ’88
2nd GBR Sthns '04
GBR 3119 Frank Elderidge Association Wood / Epoxy / Glass   3-Jun-97 Flying Freame  
GBR 3120 Naylor GRP   1-May-87 Riff Raff  
GBR 3121 Windebank GRP Mk V 22-Mar-87 Moonlighting
or Scotch & Wry
or Ratcatcher
3rd Scots ’87
IRL 3122 Racing Sailcraft GRP   4-May-87 Gin & Tonic  
IRL 3123 Racing Sailcraft GRP Mk IV 17-Jul-87 Vega Cinq  
IRL 3124 Anglian Boats GRP   14-May-87    
GBR 3125 Racing Sailcraft GRP   30-Apr-87 Blue Suede Shoes
or Bleu comme une orange
IRL 3126 Racing Sailcraft GRP   21-Jul-88 Faolean  
GBR 3127 Windebank GRP   17-Apr-87 Ffracas
or Time
GBR 3128 Amos GRP   9-Apr-87 Fflash Harry  
IRL 3129 Anglian Boats GRP   20-Jun-87 Apocalypse
or Black Legend
GBR 3130 Windebank / Dobson GRP   15-Jun-87 Anemone
Talk O’The Tyne
or MacNess

1st Scots ’87
3rd GBR Nthns ’88
1st Scots ’89
1st GBR Nthn Silvers '12
2nd Silver  UK Nats '21
1st  Silver Nthns ' 22
1st Silver Inlands /22
2nd Silver Euros '23
3rd Silver UK Nats '23

GBR 3131 Howlett / Dobson / Storrar Cedar / Epoxy   29-Jul-87 Slippery When Wet
or Intensive Scare
or Time
3rd Sthns ’88
GBR 3132 Dingwall EFS   24-Apr-87 Smeagol
or Hallelujah
GBR 3133 Amos GRP   13-Apr-87 Toff  
GBR 3134 Porter Bros GRP   2-May-87 Allez Ffreres
or Atalanta
CAN 3135 Amos GRP   1987    
GBR 3136 Windebank GRP   25-May-87 Utopia 2nd Scots ’88
GBR 3137 Windebank GRP   16-Jun-87 The Booby Trap
or Ffinegans Wake
3138 Windebank       Ffly-D-Knight  
GBR 3139 Windebank / Dobson Composite   14-Oct-88 Iff Only
or Ffully Ffocussed
2nd GBR Nthns Silver '04
1st GBR Scots Silver '04
2nd GBR Sthns Silver '05
GBR 3140 Windebank GRP Windebank V Plug for Windebank IX? 4-Jun-87 Back Scuttler
or Fantomas
2nd Wlds ’88
1st GBR Sthns ’88
1st GBR Nthns ’88
GBR 3141 Amos GRP Windebank V 19-Jun-87 Norsaga
or Mischief II
or Ranger
or Snuff
GBR 3142 Windebank GRP   4-Jul-87 Banzal  
GBR 3143 Amos GRP   24-Jul-87 Sylphide II  
IRL 3144 Windebank GRP Mk IV 11-Jul-87 True Colours
or Merry Dancer
IRL 3145 Racing Sailcraft GRP Mk IV 20-Jul-87 Havoc 1st= IRL ’87
GBR 3146 Windebank GRP   30-Sep-87 Staffy
or Sidecar
NZL 3147         Wild Oats
or Collibet
or Pilgrim
GBR 3148 Naylor Composite   25-Feb-88 Spitting Image
or High Tension
GBR 3149 Windebank GRP Mk V 26-Jul-87 French Flousie
or Double Blue
3rd GBR ’89
GBR 3150 Porter Bros GRP Mk IV 27-Jul-87 No Sharks 1st GBR ’87
FRA  3151 Windebank GRP Mk V 4-Sep-87 Smoke Ffree  
GBR 3152 Amos Kevlar / Carbon   7-Aug-87 Humffrey  
GBR 3153 Amos GRP   1-Nov-87 Ffoenix  
GBR 3154 Storrar & Bax / Dobson Composite Windebank IX ? 31-Jan-89 Pheer
or Fe-Fo-III
or Flash Gordon
or Iff Ever
GBR 3155 Amos FRP   20-Sep-87 Shonah  
GBR 3156 Windebank GRP   11-Sep-87 Fever
or Fingers
1st Worlds Silver '15
GBR 3157 Amos FRP   9-Sep-87 Cuffufle  
GBR 3158 Naylor GRP   20-Sep-87 Yasumi
or Ffubalub Said Bill 0r
GBR 3159 Naylor Composite Windebank V 28-Feb-88 Femme Fatale
or Offspring One
or Facsimile
GBR 3160 Amos GRP   28-Oct-87 Ffortune  
GBR 3161 Amos     19-Apr-89 Traffalgar  
GBR 3162 Amos Composite   28-Nov-87 Ffilagro
or Ffrankel
GBR 3163 R F Deban GRP/Foam Mk IV
6-Nov-87 Lesley Jane
or Tequila
GBR/FRA 3164 Windebank GRP   3-Jan-88 Another Ferret
or No Way Ferret
or Farfallino or Jamais Contente
2nd GBR Silver '04
NZL 3165 Wiigibank   Windebank V   Just Magic 1st Silver Inter '05
NZL 3166         Highland Fling
or Ffreudian Sloop
NZL 3167 Wiigibank   Windebank V   Different Priorities 1st NZL ’89
2nd Silver Intern '05
NZL 3168 Wiigibank   Windebank V   Fflash-eh 5th Wlds ’90
NZL 3169 Wiigibank   Windebank V   Skinfull 1st NZL ’88
2nd NZL ’94 3rd NZL '00
NZL 3170         Joint Effort  
NZL 3171     AUS   FFlagship  
NZL 3172 Wiigibank   Windebank V   Furthermore 2nd Wlds ’90
1st NZL ’91
NZL 3173         Ffanffare  
NZL 3174         Smokey  
GBR 3175 Windebank/ Dobson/ Storrar & Bax Composite Mk IV 4-Apr-88 Starlite Express 1st GBR Silver '02
1st Silver International '03
1st GBR Sthns Silver '03
1st GBR Inlands Silver '03
1st GBR Nthns Silver '04
1st GBR Sthns Silver '04
1st GBR Inlands Silver '04
3rd GBR Silver '05
2nd Europeans Silver '06
GBR 3176 Amos     21-Dec-87 Breeze  
GBR 3177 Trenoweth Composite   29-Apr-89 Saskia  
GBR 3178 Windebank GRP   5-Feb-88 Ffatal Attraction  
GBR 3179 Windebank GRP   26-Mar-88 Foxford
or Renegade
GBR 3180 Naylor GRP / Kevlar   14-Apr-88 Ffidler  
GBR 3181 Amos / Parkin / Nicholls GRP   31-Jan-88 Satisffaction 5th Wlds ’88
2nd GBR Sthns ’88
2nd GBR Nthns ’88
1st GBR Sthns ’89
1st= GBR Nthns ’89
1st GBR Inlands ’90
GBR 3182 Windebank GRP Windebank IX 15-Apr-88 Deejay
or Ffishy Ffingers
or Ufforia
or Flatulent Fairy
1st Wlds ’88
3rd GBR Inlands ’95
3rd Europeans Silver '06
GBR 3183 Amos FRP   13-Apr-88 Lucy  
GBR 3184 Amos Composite   1-Mar-88 Ffirst Reaction  
GBR 3185 Ovington GRP   24-Jul-88 Flya  
GBR 3186 Windebank GRP   27-Feb-88 Try Again
or Duty Ffree
2nd Scots ’89
GBR 3187 Windebank GRP   9-Mar-88 Fifteen Love
or Arctic Fox
GBR 3188 Amos GRP   9-Mar-88 Snow White
or Floozie
GBR 3189 Trenoweth GRP Foam Core   25-Apr-88 Rubicon
or Couilles de Chien
GBR 3190 Trenoweth Composite   25-Apr-88 Chiffon
or Pure Ffluke
GBR 3191 Naylor GRP   25-May-88 Dansel Force
or Fortissimo 1
IRL 3192 B.McKee Ireland Wood   15-May-91 Touch Wood 1st IRL ’97
3rd Silver Inter '03
1st GBR Silver '05
1st Euro Silver '06
1st GBR Silver '06
GBR 3193 Trenoweth GRP   25-Apr-88 Saffron
or Saffron Rose
GBR 3194 Windebank / Storrar GRP   13-May-88 Billy Bones  
IRL 3195         Ffrizzante
or Jo Bob
IRL 3196         Footless
or Formula One
IRL 3197         Hoff  
3198         Gulffstream  
IRL 3199 Racing Sailcraft GRP Mk IV 15-Oct-88 Air Apparent  
IRL 3200 Racing Sailcraft Kevlar / comp Mk IV 29-Jun-88 Riffraff  
IRL 3201 Racing Sailcraft Foam Sandwich   1-May-91 Special Kay
or White Spirit
IRL 3202 Racing Sailcraft   Mk IV 12-Jul-88 Sirius
or Two Doks
IRL 3203 Racing Sailcraft   Mk IV 12-Jul-88 Simply Red  
IRL 3204         Footloose  
RSA 3205 Val Hendrie GRP W Mk IV 15-Mar-88 Financial Fling 1st RSA ’87
1st RSA ’88
2nd Natal ’88
2nd Natal ’89
2nd Natal ’90
1st RSA ’96
1st Natal ’96
1st RSA ’97
1st Natal ’97
1st RSA ’98
1st Natal ’98
2nd Classic Wlds '01
RSA 3206 Val Hendrie GRP W Mk IV 25-Nov-89 Foxfire 3rd RSA ’90
RSA 3207 Val Hendrie GRP W Mk IV 13-Nov-89 Fleur de Lis 2nd Natal ’93
1st Natal 2003
GBR 3208 Windebank Composite Windebank IX 19-Apr-88 Dusty
or Dusty III
or Ffrisky
4th Wlds ’88
3rd GBR Inland Silver '05
GBR 3209 Burgess / Gentle Wood   7-Sep-88 Gentle Maid  
GBR 3210 Ovington / Dobson Composite Howlett 14-Jul-88 Raving Mad
or F-fallback
2nd GBR ’88
GBR 3211 Amos   ESP 7-Apr-88 Affrayd Knot  
GBR 3212 Windebank FRP HKG 30-Apr-88 Ffriction
or Ffaux Pas
GBR 3213 Windebank GRP   29-Jun-88 Ffilling in Time  
GBR 3214 Windebank GRP Mk IX 29-Jun-88 Polly Garter  
GBR 3215 Windebank GRP Mk IX 30-Jun-88 Laissez Ffaire
or Ffascination
GBR Owners Cup ’96
2nd GBR ’97
GBR Owners Cup ’97
GBR 3216 Windebank / Shonk? GRP W IX Hull
W IV Deck
27-Jul-88 Fantastically Fit
or Joyway
GBR 3217 Racing Sailcraft / Dingwall Composite   13-Jul-88 Take No Prisoners 3rd GBR ’88
1s tGBR Nthns ’90
GBR 3218 Amos FRP Windebank 19-Apr-88 Heartbeat  
GBR 3219 Amos GRP   9-Feb-91 Heat Of The Moment
or Ffantastic Mr Fox
GBR 3220 Naylor GRP   24-Jul-88 In Action
or Ffantom Fflyer
GBR 3221 Racing Sailcraft GRP Mk IV 6-Dec-87 The Good, Bad and Ugly  
GBR 3222 Naylor          
HKG 3223 Windebank   AUS   Fancy Footwork
or The Ffiddler
GBR 3224 Windebank GRP AUS 29-Jul-88 Crucial Moment
or Elementary
1st WA ’96
GBR 3225 Amos GRP Mk V 26-Aug-88 Affinity  
GBR 3226 Windebank / Kirkpatrick GRP Mk IX 11-Mar-89 Graffter  
GBR 3227 Ovington / Storrar / Bax GRP Mk IX 31-Mar-89 Bob’s Mate
or Ffantasia
or Cunning Stunt
or Ffantasia II
3rd Scots ’90
GBR/AUS3228 Ovington / Bax GRP Mk IX 14-Apr-89 Ruthless
orTurning Grey
or Ana Karenina
or Fruitfly
2nd Scots ’90
GBR 3229 Ovington GRP Mk IX 14-Apr-89 Fflippant 2nd GBR Silver Nthns '05
GBR 3230 Shand GRP   12-Apr-89 Sunlight
or Fe Fo Fi Fum
GBR 3231 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 25-May-89 Reckless  
GBR 3232 Morrison / Dobson Composite   28-Apr-89 Fflatus Symbol
or The Wrong Trousers
GBR 3233 Ovington / Storrar / Bax GRP Mk IX 4-May-89 Time Flies  
GBR 3234 Ovington GRP Mk IX 31-Mar-89 Willy Wonka
or Befor
1st GBR ’89
3rd GBR Nthns ’89
1st Wlds ’90
2nd GBR ’90
3rd GBR Nthns ’90
2nd IRL ’91
1st GBR ’93
GBR 3235 P.A.S.S. GRP   1-Apr-89 R.U.Shore  
GBR 3236 Shand GRP Shandebank
2-Apr-89 Asti 3rd GBR Sthns ’91
GBR 3237 Racing Sailcraft GRP ?   14-Apr-89 Duck Speed
or Ffiredance
or Pharlap
3rd Scots ’89
AUS 3238 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 22-Dec-88 Fidelity  
AUS 3239 Shand GRP Shandebank
Dec-88 Fifteen Carat  
AUS 3240 Capital Fibreglass GRP Leader 1988 Windsong  
AUS 3241 Shand GRP Shandebank
21-Dec-89 Summertime IV  
AUS 3242 Shand GRP Shandebank
26-Nov-89 Isn’t It Amazing  
NZL 3243 Shonk/ Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 21-Nov-89 Run Like Hell  
AUS 3244 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 17-Mar-89 The Final Cut
or Ffantoccini
or Absolutely Fabulous
AUS 3245 Shand GRP Shandebank
  Turning Vehicle
or Travelling Sailsman
AUS 3246 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 16-Jul-88 Matilda  
AUS 3247 Shand GRP Shandebank
28-Oct-89 Mwera  
IRL 3248 Racing Sailcraft   Mk IV   Ninja  
IRL 3249 Racing Sailcraft Epoxy / GRP / Foam   3-Jul-89 Airforce II
or Amadan
IRL 3250 Racing Sailcraft Epoxy / GRP / Foam Mk IV 31-May-89 Ffifty Ffifty  
RSA 3251 Val Hendrie GRP W Mk IV 09-Jan-89 Ffreckles 2nd Natal ’97
RSA 3252     unused      
RSA 3253     unused      
AUS 3254 Shand GRP Shandebank
1989 Soggy Sox 4th Wlds ’90
AUS 3255 Shand GRP Shandebank
1989 Owyagoin Mate  
AUS 3256 Shand GRP Shandebank
28-Oct-89 Bondi Tram
or Arffur Chance
or Down Under
AUS 3257 Shand GRP Shandebank
10-Dec-89 Relience
or Think Big
or Relience 60 over 5
1st Aus ’96
AUS 3258 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 26-Nov-89 Savoire-Ffaire
or Vol Au Vent
AUS 3259 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 22-Dec-89 Enthusiasm  
AUS 3260 Shand GRP Shandebank
28-Sep-89 Ffoxy II  
AUS 3261 Shand GRP Shandebank
Dec 1989 The Undertaker
or City Lights
AUS 3262 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 21-Dec-89 Foxy III
or Fast Forward
AUS 3263 Shand GRP Shandebank Mk III
Shipped to Canada (2024)
28-Oct-89 Firefox III 3rd WA ’92
3264         Fun Factor  
GBR 3265 Ovington FRP Mk IX 22-Apr-89 Money For Nothing 1st= GBR Nthns ’89
2nd GBR Sthns ’89
1st Scots ’90
2nd GBR Nthns ’90
2nd Scots ’95
2nd GBR Nthns ’96
2nd Scots ’96
2nd GBR Nthns ’97
GBR 3266 Ovington / Storrar & Bax GRP   27-May-89 Dire Straits  
GBR 3267 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 4-Jul-89 Luffad
or Down to the Waterline
or Knot Ffussed
or Night Fflight
2nd GBR Inlands ’93
3rd Scots ’97
GBR 3268 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 27-May-89 Silkworm  
GBR 3269 Ovington / Dobson Composite Mk IX 18-Jul-89 Mystique  
GBR 3270 Shand GRP   5-Sep-89 Wizard of Oz  
GBR 3271 Windebank / Dingwall Composite Mk V 19-May-89 Fourwinds 1st GBR ’90
5th Wlds ’92
2nd GBR ’92
1st GBR ’94
2nd GBR ’96
3rd GBR Nthns ’96
3rd GBR Inlands ’96
GBR Owners Cup 2000
3rd Silver GBR Nthns '06
1st Silver GBR Sthns '06
GBR 3272 Windebank GRP / Foam Mk X 5-May-89

Flying Potato
or Habanera
or March Hare

GBR 3273 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 16-Jun-89 Mad Jack McMad
or Cardoffia
IRL 3274 Anglian Boats Foam / GRP Mk IV 13-May-89 Going Grey
or Gullivers Travels
IRL 3275     Mk IX   Mind Over Matter
or Tsunami
1stIRL ’90
IRL 3276         Fflusie  
GBR 3277 Windebank FRP Mk X 15-Jun-89 Philibuster
or Ffisti-Cuffs
GBR 3278 Windebank     12-Jul-89 Mirage  
GBR 3279 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 11-Jun-89 Pheer
or Feel Good Factor
GBR 3280 Trenoweth Composite
GBR / France
  17-Jul-89 Ffiddler
or Ffliskie
GBR 3281 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 3-May-90 Mr Sponge 2nd GBR Inlands Silver '05
GBR 3282 Windebank GRP Mk X 1-Jul-89 Crucial Moment
or In Deo Spes
or Screaming Organism
GBR 3283 Windebank GRP Mk X 13-Jul-89 Conffusion  
GBR 3284 Windebank / Watson GRP Mk IX 24-Aug-89 Beat Route
or Nicolette
3rd GBR Inlands ’90
GBR 3285 Ovington / Dobson Composite Mk IX 20-Sep-89 Leeding Edge
or Fuego
GBR 3286 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 26-Jan-90 Nimbus
or Puff The Tragic Wagon
or Doroffee
or Ffluid Dynamics
IRL 3287 Racing Sailcraft GRP / Foam   20-Jun-89 Lethal Weapon 3rd GBR Sthns ’89
1st IRL ’89
GBR 3288 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 29-Sep-89 Sybil
or Affore the Week
2nd GBR Sthns ’90
2nd GBR ’91
2nd GBR Sthns ’91
GBR 3289 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 14-Apr-90 Uxoris
or Flight of Fancy
GBR 3290 Amos GRP   2-Oct-88 Icy Calm
or Flying Ffulford
GBR 3291 Windebank / Ashdown GRP   20-Mar-94 Festinare  
GBR 3292 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 6-Dec-89 Funny Face 1st Wlds ’92
1st GBR Sthns ’93
1st GBR Nthns ’93
GBR 3293 Millar/Protec Marine Composite   26-Feb-90 Fighting Machine 2nd Scots 91
2nd Scots 92
3rd=Scots ’94
4th Wlds ’95
1st GBR Inlands Silver '05
GBR 3294 Amos Hitech GRP   1-Dec-89 Uffordable
or Fforemark Two
GBR 3295 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 21-Jun-90 Plump Chicken
or Flying Fireball
GBR 3296 Ovington / Dobson / Storrar & Bax Composite Mk IX 10-Apr-90
or Ffoil
GBR Owners Cup ’98
GBR Owners Cup ’99
GBR Owners Cup '01
GBR Owners Cup '02
GBR 3297 Amos GRP   28-Nov-89 Walkers Poppet
or Beholder
NZL 3298         Intollerance  
NZL 3299         Fifty Fifty  
NZL 3300         Whaka Te Wheino  
NZL 3301         No Pain No Gain  
NZL 3302         Shot In The Dark
or Alffee
1st NZL ’90
2nd NZL ’91
IRL 3303 Millarbank Epoxy / GRP / Foam   28-Sep-89 Licence To Kill
or Absolutely
HKG 3304 Shand GRP Shandebank
28-Dec-89 Eff Off
or Ffarnarkling
HKG 3305 Shand GRP Shandebank
20-Nov-89 Ffree Ffree O Fiffe
or Ffaint ‘Arted
or Ffor Ffun
1st HKG ’91
1st HKG ’92
1st HKG ’93
1st HKG ’96
2nd HKG ’97
AUS 3306 Shand GRP Shandebank
20-Dec-89 Ffenominal  
AUS 3307 Shand GRP Shandebank
31-Oct-90 Flying Boat  
AUS 3308 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 22-Dec-90 Tuffa Gruffa
or Clockwork VII
or Ffirsty
1st Aus ’90
AUS 3309 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 15-Jan-91 Clockwork V11  
AUS 3310 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV
30-Apr-92 Duffa
or Banoffi
AUS 3311 Shand GRP Shandebank
December 91 Reliance 60 over 5 + 1
or Jungle Book
or Lean Enuff
or Jenny Sue
or Brumby
AUS 3312 Shand GRP Shandebank
21-Dec-91 Clapped Out Toy Boy 2nd Aus ’96
AUS 3313 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 23-Feb-91 Ruffia Gruffia
or Deep Trout
2nd Wlds ’92
1st IRL ’92
5th Wlds ’94
2nd Aus ’95
AUS 3314 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 7-Jul-92 The Other Woman  
GBR 3316 Porter Bros GRP Mk X 1-Apr-90    
GBR 3317 Shand GRP Shandebank
24-Apr-90 Ffronffari
or Luff Off
GBR 3319 Ovington / Dobson / Storrar & Bax Composite Mk IX 14-Apr-90 Notimagin  
GBR 3320 Ovington / Storrar & Bax GRP Mk IX 12-Mar-90 Pizzaz  
GBR 3321 Amos GRP   22-Apr-90 Ffor Joy
or Blood Sweat & Beers
or Frisson
GBR 3322 Porter Bros GRP Mk IX 1-Sep-90 Faux Pas
or Ffreddie Q
3rdGBR Silver Sthns 2005
GBR 3323 Naylor GRP   10-May-90 Hero Turtle
or Nymph
GBR 3324 Windebank GRP   1-Jul-90 Elusive 3rd GBR Sthns ’90
1st GBR Nthns ’91
GBR 3325 Windebank / Hardisty GRP Mk X 17-Apr-90 Sometime Soon 2nd GBR Inlands ’90
GBR 3326 Amos Hi-Tech / Nicholls Carbon / GRP   1-Apr-90 Magic Affair  
GBR 3327 Windebank FRP Mk X 19-Apr-90 Ticket to Oz
or Shiela
GBR 3328 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 18-May-90 Magic Imp
or Ffreebooter
FRA 3329 Shandbank GRP / Wood   8-Apr-90 Farfeliou or
Chariots Offiah or Frae Under
GBR 3330 Shand GRP   8-Apr-90 Fair Dinkum  
GBR 3331 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 11-Apr-90 All or Nothing  
GBR 3332 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 14-May-90 Fflyer II
or Skippy
GBR 3333 R.L.Smith GRP Mk V 25-Jun-90 Goodwill III
or My Fantasy
GBR 3334 Benedict Composite Benedict’s own boat 20-Apr-90 Miffy
or Miffy Mouse
3rd GBR ’90
1st GBR Sthns ’90
1st GBR Inlands ’91
GBR 3335 Windebank GRP Foam Mk X 19-Jun-90 Fever
or Feverfew
GBR 3336 Racing Sailcraft Epoxy foam sandwich Sapele deck Mk IV 17-May-90 Love At First Feel  
IRL 3337 Racing Sailcraft GRP   16-Jul-90 Scandal 2nd IRL ’95
GBR 3339 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 24-Jun-92 First Love  
IRL 3340 Racing Sailcraft GRP   15-Jul-90 Kay Sera Sera
or Tooahs
or Flamingawingo
GBR 3341 Ovington / Dobson / Storrar Composite Howlett 3 18-Jul-91 Charlie Bucket
or Shooting Star
1st GBR ’91
3rd IRL ’91
GBR 3342 Amos FRP   29-Aug-90 Ffancy Ffootwork  
IRL 3344 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 12-Jun-90 So  
GBR 3345         Fantasy  
GBR 3346 Greville GRP Foam   5-Sep-90 Rhythmn & Blues  
GBR 3347 Ovington / Dobson / Storrar & Bax Composite   14-Feb-91 Panda 2nd GBR Scottish '05
1st GBR Silver Scot '05
GBR 3348 Amos Hitech Carbon Frames   3-Mar-91 Daffodil
or One Off
IRL 3349 Millar GRP   26-Jul-96 Voo Doo Chile
or Lager Lout
GBR 3350 Ovington FRP Mk IX 13-Jul-90 Ffrom Wayback
or Technology
GBR 3351 Ovington GRP Mk IX 30-May-90 Barney Rubble
or Mischief
IRL 3352 Ovington FRP Mk IX   Ffreudian Slip
or Flying Free
GBR 3353 Smith GRP Mk X 21-Feb-91 Biteman  
GBR 3354 Amos          
GBR 3355 Amos GRP   29-Mar-91 Ffortysomeffink  
3356 Amos          
GBR 3357 Amos GRP   4-Jun-91 Feel Free Too  
GBR 3358 Windebank GRP Foam   24-Mar-91 Orca  
GBR 3359 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 26-Jan-91 Just Making a Living  
GBR 3360 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 21-Mar-91 Quicksilver  
GBR 3361 Ovington FRP Mk IX 16-Mar-91 Ffritillary
or Huckster
or Hunky Dory
GBR 3362 Ovington / Hayhurst Composite Mk IX 14-May-91 Iffor the Engine 2nd Silver GBR '06
2nd Silver GBR Nthns '06
GBR 3363 Ovington / Storrar FRP Mk IX 25-Mar-91 Cute Affair
or Ffine Gold
GBR 3364 Ovington / Storrar FRP Mk IX
27-Sep-91 Clapped Out Toy Boy
or Fifi
2nd GBR Nthns ’93
GBR 3365 Windebank GRP   13-Apr-91 Deejay  
GBR 3366 Ovington / Storrar FRP Mk IX 16-Apr-91 Sa Sair Ffecht 2nd GBR Scots ’94
NZL 3367         Ruff Tuff Cream Puff  
NZL 3368         Michelle  
NZL 3369         Ffaux Pas  
NZL 3370         Ffinisterre  
NZL 3371 Marten Marine   Mk V   Whiffler 1st NZL ’93
1st Wlds ’94
1st NZL ’94
3rd Wlds ’95
2nd NZL ’97
1st NZL ’98
GBR 3372 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 21-Mar-91 Fin Barr  
GBR 3373 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 31-Mar-91 Twinkie
or The Flying Duckman
GBR 3374 Ovington / Storrar & Bax FRP Mk IX 2-May-91 Geoff
or Fizgig
1st Silver GBR Sthns '05
GBR 3375 Windebank / Marsden Composite Mk X 21-May-91 Perffick 3rd GBR Nthns ’91
1st Scots ’91
GBR 3376 Windebank GRP / Foam Mk X
26-Mar-91 Fredbare  
GBR 3377 Windebank GRP Mk X 12-Jul-91 Ph Phantom  
GBR 3378 Windebank FRP Mk IX 15-Jul-92 Ffrantic III  
GBR 3379 Windebank GRP   15-Apr-91 Fritilary  
GBR 3380 Naylor GRP / Foam   25-Feb-91 Affretando  
GBR 3381 Windebank / Neville Elliott GRP Mk X 28-Apr-91 Dignity
or Hot Stuff
The Slayer
1st Silver GBR Nthns '05
3rd Silver GBR '06
1st Silver GBR Nthns '06
IRL 3382         No Regrets  
IRL 3383 Ovington FRP Mk IX   Slipper 1
or Frizy Mitzy
or Fflummux’d
GBR 3384 Ovington / Storrar FRP Mk IX 10-Aug-91 Let’s Cruise  
GBR 3385 Ovington / Storrar FRP Mk IX 12-Jul-91 Fflight of Ffancy  
IRL 3386         Simply ffRed  
IRL 3387 Ovington FRP Mk IX   Ffreeranger  
GBR 3388 Dingwall Epoxy / Wood Benedict
15-Mar-91 Obsession  
GBR 3389 Windebank GRP / Foam   27-Mar-91 Stingray
or Good Moaning
GBR 3390 Ovington / Storrar FRP Mk IX 19-Apr-91    
GBR 3391 Greville Epoxy Benedict 19-Jun-91 Ffirst Luff
or Steamboat Willie
GBR 3392 Lakeland Sailing Centre Composite   6-Jun-91 Twiki
or Whisper III
1s tGBR Sthns ’91
GBR 3393 Benedict / Dingwall Composite Benedict 5-Jun-91 Ffashion Victim
or First Footer
or Ffifty-Ffifty
3rd GBR ’91
2nd GBR Nthns ’91
4th Wlds ’92
1st GBR ’92
1st GBR Nthns ’92
1st GBR Inlands ’92
1st NZL ’94
4th Wlds ’94
IRL 3394 B.McKee GRP / Epoxy / Foam   12-Jul-92 Z-Stoff
or Sunrise
IRL 3395         Old Fflame  
IRL 3396 Windebank / Donleavy GRP Mk X 23-Jul-92 Olive Oyl 3rd IRL ’95
GBR 3397 Windebank GRP Mk X 25-May-91 User Friendly  
GBR 3398 Ovington / Storrar FRP Mk IX 17-Jul-92 Fflo  
GBR 3399 Ovington FRP Mk IX 30-Jul-91 Feelgood Factor
or North Star
or Mister Moose
or Eagle
GBR 3400 Ovington / Windebank FRP Mk IX 20-Jul-91 Footloose
or Krypton
or Pussyffoot
GBR 3401 Windebank GRP   14-Aug-91 Magic  
GBR 3402 Windebank GRP Mk X 14-Sep-91 Ffillis String
or Off the Beach
GBR 3403 Ovington / Storrar FRP Mk IX 5-Dec-91 Stork or Angharad III
Y Wylan Wen
GBR 3404 Ovington / Storrar FRP Mk IX 1-Jan-92 Bankrupt Again  
GBR 3405 Ovington FRP Mk IX 11-Dec-91 Zephyr
or Zephy II
GBR 3406 Windebank GRP Mk VIII 11-Aug-93 Zorba
or Zorba The Greek
IRL 3407 Ovington / Storrar FRP Mk IX 22-Aug-91 Final Fling
or Final Folly
IRL 3408         The Terminator  
GBR 3409 Ovington / Storrar FRP Mk IX 1-Jun-92 Silver Bird  
GBR 3410 R.L.Smith GRP / Foam Sandwich Mk V 15-May-92 Its Magic  
GBR 3411 Corby Carbon Fibre Mk IX 30-Apr-92 Masquerade  
GBR 3412 Porter Bros GRP / Foam   11-Jun-92 Lady Flyer  
GBR 3413 Windebank / T.Hammick / Porter Composite   6-May-92 TFI Friday
or Mini The Moocher
or Basillica
or Fistful of Favours
GBR 3414 Ovington FRP Mk IX 15-Apr-92 Filial Pressure
or Glint of Steel
GBR 3415 Ovington/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX
22-Mar-92 Childs Play
or French Fries
or Uffa Fox Ache
or Ffox and Hounds
1st GBR Sthns ’92
3rd HKG ’93
GBR 3416 Amos GRP Mk9 10-Apr-92 The Artfful Dodger  
GBR 3417 Greville / Benedict Carbon / GRP Benedict 24-Apr-92 Bertie Wooster 3rd GBR ’92
2nd GBR Inlands ’92
GBR 3418 Ovington FRP Mk IX 15-Apr-92 No Illusions  
GBR 3420 Ovington FRP Mk IX
22-May-92 Heaven Sent 3rd GBR Sthns ’94
GBR 3421 Ovington FRP Mk IX 1-May-92 Holy F
or Fluent
or It Pays To Advertise
or Rooster
or Donkeytastic
3rd Wlds ’92
1st Scots ’92
3rd GBR Inlands ’92
2nd GBR ’93
3rd GBR Nthns ’93
1st Scots ’93
1st Scots ’94
1st GBR Nthns ’94
2nd GBR Inlands ’94
GBR 3422 Windebank GRP Mk VIII 11-Aug-92 Effervescence III
or The Flying Paddys
GBR 3423 Windebank GRP   4-May-92 Ffraternize  
GBR 3424 Rowsell / Morrison Wood   2-Jun-92 Flalstaff
or Dances With Fish
or Foxy Fifteen
GBR 3425 Ovington FRP Mk IX 7-May-92 Moll Flanders
or Basillica
or Big Ted
6th Wlds ’97
GBR 3426 Windebank FRP Mk VIII 6-Jun-92 Puffin 1st GBR ’95
GBR 3427 Windebank GRP   12-Jun-92 Effortless
or Henrietta
GBR 3428 Ovington / Dobson Composite Mk IX 15-Jul-92 Heaven Can Wait  
GBR 3429 Ovington FRP Mk IX 1-Jul-92 No FF Excuses
or Signet
or Cygnet
GBR Owners Cup 2003
IRL 3430 Millarbank       Absolutely
or Nu Form
1stIRL ’93
3rd IRL '00
IRL 3431 Millarbank       Zimmer 1st IRL ’96
GBR 3432 Ovington FRP Mk IX
26-Sep-92 Ffortitude
or Speedy Gonzales
GBR 3433 Windebank GRP   14-Jul-92 Ffroggy  
GBR 3434 Greville / Benedict Carbon / GRP Benedict 6-Aug-92 Kato
or Carbon Copy
GBR 3435 Storrar / Dobson Carbon / GRP   3-Aug-92 And Now With Wings  
GBR 3437 Rowlands & Naylor FRP   22-Nov-92 Art Attack  
GBR 3438 J.Hayhurst / Greville / Bendict Epoxy / Sapele Benedict 10-Dec-92 Fanfare
or Phoebe
GBR 3439 Ovington/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX 24-Jan-93 Fflippant II  
GBR 3440 Ovington Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX 24-Jan-93 Heartbeat
or Ashambe
GBR 3441 Windebank GRP   26-Feb-93 Fun Fair  
AUS 3442 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 20-Dec-92 Anuffa Duffa
or Lean and Mean
AUS 3443 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 22-Dec-92 Glamour Puss 1st Aus ’92
AUS 3444 Shand GRP Shandebank
23-Dec-92 Brilliant In Patches  
GBR 3445 Windebank/ Dingwall GRP Mk VIII 31-Jan-93 Four Winds II
or Felix The Cat
or Efelix
or Rí Rá
1st GBR Inlands ’93
2nd GBR Sthns ’93
GBR 3446 Windebank/ H.Simpson GRP / Foam Mk IX 2-Apr-93 Ffiddler  
GBR 3447 Ovington / Dobson/ Storrar Composite Mk IX 13-May-93 Fat Controller  
GBR 3448 R L Smith GRP Mk V 27-Mar-93 Mystified 2nd GBR Sthns ’94
GBR 3449 Ovington / Tait GRP   28-Mar-93 Grebe
or Fast Forward
GBR 3450 Greville Carbon / Epoxy Benedict
26-Jun-93 Finger Lickin  
GBR 3451 Ovington FRP Mk IX 20-May-93 Pipperoo Too
or This Time
3rd= Scots ’94
3rd Scots ’95
GBR 3453 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX 12-Jun-93 Hoggle 3rd GBR ’93
3rd GBR Sthns ’93
3rd GBR Inlands ’93
6th Wlds ’94
2nd GBR ’94
2nd GBR Nthns ’94
1st GBR Nthns ’95
1st GBR Sthns ’95
2nd GBR Sthns ’96
1st GBR Inlands ’97
GBR 3454 Ovington FRP Mk IX 26-Feb-93 Freyja
or The Flying Duckman
3rd GBR Nthns ’94
AUS 3455 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 21-Mar-93 Wave Dancer
or Watches of Switzerland
or Fifty/Fifty
1st Aus ’99
IRL 3456 B.McKee GRP   24-Feb-93 Old Fflame  
IRL 3457 Miller GRP   27-Jul-93 Takin it Easy  
GBR 3463 Ovington GRP   15-Jun-93 Ffreebooter II
or Hey Jude
or Neutron Storm
GBR 3464 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX 11-Jun-93 Raving Mad
or Freda
GBR 3465 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX 27-Jun-93 Funny Feeling 2nd NZL ’94
3rd Wlds ’94
3rd GBR ’94
1st GBR Inlands ’94
1st GBR Sthns ’94
5th Wlds ’95
2nd GBR Sthns ’95
2nd GBR Inlands ’95
1st= GBR Inlands ’96
1st GBR Sthns ’97
GBR 3466 R.L.Smith GRP Mk V 5-Aug-93 Hottatrotta  
GBR 3467 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX 1-Jul-93 Forgetmenot
or Fisticuffs
HKG 3468 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX 25-Jul-93 Ffirecracker 2nd HKG ’93
1st HKG ’95
2nd HKG '00
HKG 3469 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX 25-Jul-93 Frantic Forties  
GBR 3470 Ovington ‘Smoothy’ FRP Mk IX 3-Jul-93 Luff Too
or Fever
or Where do we go from here
ESP 3471         Kiss
or Triffid
GBR 3472 Windebank GRP   21-Aug-93 Off in a Huff  
GBR 3473 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX 10-Aug-93 Fandangle  
GBR 3474 Greville Carbon / Epoxy Benedict 17-Aug-93    
HKG 3475 Ovington ‘Smoothy’ FRP Mk IX Oct-1993 Tomffoolery
or Ffolly or
Enuff Rope
1st HKG ’94
HKG 3476 Ovington ‘Smoothy’ FRP Mk IX 01-Oct-1993 Ffantasia  
GBR 3477 Ovington ‘Smoothy’ FRP Mk IX 28-Feb-94 Flowers for Zoe
or Ffestina Lente
GBR 3478 Coryn GRP Sandwich   16-Jun-94 Avalon  
GBR 3479 Ovington ‘Smoothy’ FRP Mk IX 6-Jul-94 Storm Crusader
or Strega
or Y Mochin Du
AUS 3480 Gale & Rimmington GRP G&R Mould IV 11-Sep-93 The Phantom 3rd Aus ’95
NZL 3481 Stuart Happ Kevlar/Carbon/Multi-density foam Mk VIII Dec-93 Pretty In Pink 2nd Wlds ’94
GBR 3482 Windebank FRP Mk IX 30-Apr-96 Apple Charlotte
or Her Outdoors
GBR 3483 Avon Marine/ Amos GRP   10-Dec-94 Dinky Toy  
GBR 3484 Ovington ‘Smoothy’ FRP Mk IX 14-Mar-94 Jim Jam 3rd Scots ’96
3rd GBR Nthns ’97
GBR 3485 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ D McKee FRP Mk IX 12-Mar-94 No Half Measures 3rd GBR Inlands ’94
3rd Wlds ’97
3rd GBR Inlands ’97
GBR 3486 Windebank Hammick GRP Mk IX 9-Apr-94 Mood Indigo  
GBR 3487 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ Dingwall FRP Mk IX 15-Jun-94 Miffystoffeles  
AUS 3488 Shand Kevlar/Foam Shandebank
21-Nov-93 Patches of Brilliance
or Ffenian
AUS 3489 Shand GRP Shandebank
11-Dec-93 Exothermic  
GBR 3490 Ovington ‘Smoothy’ FRP Mk IX 30-Apr-94 Technology for Life  
AUS 3491 Shand GRP Shandebank
3-Jan-95 Snow Goose  
AUS 3492 Shand GRP Shandebank
May 1994 Wings
or Swinger
AUS 3493 Sailpower GRP Mould X Mk I 5-Apr-95 Glamourous
or UDS
or Lono or
Full Back
1st WA ’94
AUS 3494 Shand GRP Shandebank
18-Dec-94 Catch Me Iff You Can  
IRL 3495         Ffang  
GBR 3496 Ovington ‘Smoothy’ FRP Mk IX 30-Apr-94 Ffreedom
or Peggy Sue
2nd Scot ’97
GBR 3497 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX 27-Apr-94 Tew Tew Train  
GBR 3498 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX 10-May-94 Fifteen Love  
GBR 3499 Ovington ‘Smoothy’ FRP Mk IX 14-Jun-94 Mr.Toad  
HKG 3500 Ovington ‘Smoothy’/ Pinnell & Bax FRP Mk IX   Ffatal Attraction  
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