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Flying Fifteen News

2021 European Championship
Michael Clark 1253

2021 European Championship

2021 European Championship

Currently there are international travel restrictions in France and the UK which at best will be eased in France in mid April and mid May for the UK.

In the circumstances the current dates for the European Championship are unworkable. FFI France is asking CN Crozon-Morgat if they could hold a 2 to 3 day regatta for the Europeans later in the year (possibly Sept/Oct), when hopefully life will be nearer normal.

If you have looked at the GPEN website you will have noticed the NOR does not include the Flying Fifteen Class. If CN Crozon - Morgat cannot accommodate the Europeans later in the year FFI France will hold their French National Championship at GPEN. The event will be open to all EU Countries and under current requirements competitors from EU countries other than France will require a valid PCR taken within the 72 hours prior to entry to France.

I realise the above is full of unanswered questions however FFI France is working hard to try and have a European Championship in 2021 and we will keep you updated on a regular basis.”

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