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Flying Fifteen News

2024 Ballot Results
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2024 Ballot Results

All items were approved

The FFI Ballot was completed on 7 July 2024 and all items were approved.

ITEM 1: Changes to the Class Rules regarding issuing of original Measurement Certificate are subject to approval by World Sailing, once they approve the changes they will come into effect on 1 March 2025.

The items related to the FFI Constitution and Championship Regulations can come into effect immediately and will be updated on the FFI website very shortly.

The response to the ballot was 25% of the voting members, this compares with 50% who voted in the 2021 ballot. Thank you to all who took the trouble to participate.

Item Total FOR Total AGAINST
ITEM 1: Changes to the Class Rules regarding issuing of
original Measurement Certificate
132 11
ITEM 2: CONSTITUTION Changes to Clauses 4.1, 4.3, 6.1,
6.3 & 6.4
128 4
ITEM 3: Update of World Championship Regulations and
creation of new European Championship Regulations
128 4

There seems to be some confusion about the implications of the changes to the Certification requirements in the recent ballot which we will address here.

Class Rule A3 clearly sets out the Measurement and Certification provisions. In short, a new (or rebuilt) boat has to be measured in accordance with the Class Rules and then application for a Measurement Certificate is made to the Certification Authority, which issues a Measurement Certificate. The Certification Authority does not have to be in the country where the boat is measured.

As stated in Class Rule A3, all items in Class Rules B9 onwards can be measured by any of the categories of Official Flying Fifteen Class Measurers, Flying Fifteen Class Maintenance Measurers, and Official Measurers that are identified in Class Rule A3. This includes the spars and rigging, mast stepping, sails, and safety equipment. Those items can be endorsed on the Measurement Certificate in accordance with the Rules.

Some sailmakers are approved by World Sailing and can offer “In House Measurement” and details of approved lofts may be found on the WS website.

As defined in the Equipment Rules of Sailing 2021-2024 (ERS), an Official Measurer is, “A person appointed or recognised by the MNA of the country where the control takes place, to carry out certification control and where the class rules permit, certification.” The ERS defines Certification Control as, “The methods used as means of equipment control required by class rules, or a certification authority, for certification.”

The “MNA” is the “World Sailing Member National Authority”. This means that even if there is no one of either category of Flying Fifteen Class Measurers in a country, then a person that is recognised by the National Authority can measure Flying Fifteen sails as allowed under Class Rule A3.

On another topic World Sailing has just issued the Equipment Rules of Sailing 2025-2028 (ERS) & the 2025-2028 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).

You should read carefully the changes to the ERS where they state that care must be taken in keeping sails within the bounds of the “Black Bands”. We recommend you read the “change synopsis” , if not the full book.

Good Sailing!
Michael Clark

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